Will Protect stop COVID-19?
This hand sanitizer is not a substitute for proper hand washing. And while this home remedy contains commonly accepted natural antiviral/antibacterial ingredients, it has never been tested in a laboratory to determine its efficacy against viruses such as the COVID-19 virus. We believe it Protect is a great addition to hand-washing, giving an added organic layer of protection while also helping soothe dry and chapped skin. If you have any doubts, please check with your health care professional before using this or any home remedy on you or your family.

Are these products FDA approved?
Statements on this website have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. So the legal position is this folks: this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Users assume full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional regarding health conditions or concerns, and before starting a new diet or health program. The owner, writer(s), and publisher(s) of this website are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions provided or procedures undertaken hereafter.

Are these products safe to use during pregnancy?
Please be sure to consult your doctor if you’re nursing or pregnant because not all essential oils are considered safe for you or your baby.

What is a carrier oil and why do you need it?
A carrier oil is simply a vegetable oil usually derived from the seeds, nuts or kernels of a plant. Carrier oils dilute the concentrated essential oils so they can be applied to the skin without side effects. We have chosen coconut oil as our main carrier oil as it has natural antioxidant and disinfectant properties and is fast-absorbing.

What is fractionated coconut oil?
Fractionated coconut oil is virgin coconut oil that has been distilled, allowing long-chain fatty acids to separate and solidify for removal. What remains is an ultralight, orderless oil (yes it does not smell like coconut!) that stays liquid in form at cooler temperatures and has a much longer shelf life. It is a fast-absorbing and highly nourishing oil. Also by factionating coconut oil it raises the concentration of caprylic acid and capric acid, which increases the oil’s antioxidant and disinfectant properties.

Why the dark glass bottles?
The dark glass helps protect the essential oils from UV light, which can break them down and make them less effective. We chose different colors for the different products for easy identification and because we thought it would be fun.

Is there scientific research to back up the antimicrobial claims?
As with most things medical, organic, scientific, there are tons of papers, opinions, and positions available. We are strong believers in the power of natural essential oils, and have read a wealth of evidence that support their various benefits.  Below is a selection if you want to give in in more detail!

